Monday, January 3, 2011

Expose! [The 2011 Signature Girls Conference]

GIRLS! (and moms too!) Don't miss this girls-only conference at Lighthouse Church in Toledo! It's just around the corner and cost is just $30. RSVP to me by THIS Friday the 7th.  (Sorry for the late notice! I just found out about this conference and couldn't pass up the opportunity.)

The theme for Signature is EXPOSE! 1 John 1:5 "...God is light and in him there is not darkness at all." We are excited for the girls who attend Signature to walk away with a clearer understanding of who God is and who they are in Him.

It all starts Friday night with a FUN NIGHT!  There will be activities, music, photo opportunities and food of course! We will return to Melanie's house to spend the night. Saturday will be a day of worship and amazing growth opportunities through main sessions, breakout times and small groups!  Don't miss this event!

Click HERE for more information or talk to Melanie.

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