Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hosting the Bible Quiz

  1. STUDY!
    1. Know your quotes inside and out (review chapters 1-6 quotes!)
    2. Be able to quote information around the unique (bold) words
  2. BAKE! 
    1. We need baked goods (or other goodies) packaged to sell for $0.50 each. 
    2. Cookies, brownies, cupcakes, rice krispy treats, are welcome.
    3. Please NO PEANUT BUTTER.
    1. Come to Kevin and Mel's @ 7pm (bring overnight stuff if you want)
    2. (If you're not going to spend the night, still come at 7 to help set up)
    3. Make room Letter labels
    4. Make and copy map of the church
    5. Organize classrooms in the church 
    6. Set up quizzing chairs in each room
    7. Set up extra tables/chairs in the church
    8. Sleepover @ Kevin and Mel's
    1. Be at the church at 8am. 

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