Sunday, November 16, 2008

Important stuff from 11.16.08

1.  Shelby, thanks so much for the delicious snacks!  Make sure to thank your mom again for us!!! 
 Also, I forgot to ask if anyone else would be willing to bring a snack for next week?????
2.  Next Sunday (11.23.08):::Come to the parsonage at 6pm to work on the skit we will be performing in church on Sunday November 30th.  Also at 7:00pm Spirit Fire joins the community in a Thanksgiving Service @ 7pm at the church.

3.  Registration Forms for SBC Winter Retreat due to Melanie as soon as possible (Dec. 5th at the latest!)  I forgot to mention this but invite your friends!!!  It'll be even cooler that way!

4.  ephesians 2:8-9:::For it is by grace you have been saved, through faithand this not from yourselves, it is the gift of Godnot by works, so that no one can boast.  

Don't forget about:
romans 3:23
john 3:16-17

Learn them.  Be awesome.  Win prizes.  Made God smile. =D

5.  Topic for the night:::Salvation

You guys did a great job of working through the questions I threw at you.  
First of all, what is salvation?  To be given freedom from the punishment of eternal death in hell because of our sins.  
Why do I need to be saved?  Because Adam & Eve's sin in the Garden of Eden was passed down to us.  Remember??  "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."  
Why does our sin matter that much?  God is holy and cannot allow any sin (or unrighteousness) into his presence.  Romans 3:10 tells us that "There is no one righteous, not even one."  
What is the punishment for our sins (for even one sin)?  We will be eternally separated from God and "thrown into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matthew 13:41-43).  

What's our way out?  How can we be saved from this punishment?  Read the verses after Romans 3:23.  Not only are all sinful and unable to reach God, but we are offered the FREE gift of redemption (that is salvation) because of the sacrifice of Jesus' death.  If you are saved by Jesus' blood, when God looks at you he no longer sees your sins, but his Son's perfect blood covering it.  Then and ONLY then can you live eternally in God's presence!

So.  Thoughts? Questions?  Comments?  Anyone get reminded of the great salvation they have received?  Anyone accept this salvation for the first time??  Let's talk!

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